Feb 18, 2011

New Seo Tools

On Page SEO
New Seo Tools:-we have the many tools for SEO, but now in day, I m finds new SEO Tools According to my search so I want share with u my information.

1) Google vs. Yahoo Graph (http://www.seobench.com/google-yahoo-graph/):- this tools Display of 50 in Google & Yahoo linked.

2)Keyword Density Analyzer (http://www.seobench.com/keyword-density-analyzer):-In this tool you just enter the URL of your websites and find the density of 1, 2, and 3 word phrases.

3) SEO Tools (http://www.wordstream.com/seo-tools):-This keyword tools is the easiest way to improve the quality of your keyword research.

4) Keyword Tool (http://www.wordstream.com/keywords):-In this tool you can enter the URL and find the some new keywords Source.

5) Class C Checker (IP-report.com):- Class C IP range checker, here u can find the C class IP.

6) Atom & RSS Feed Valuator (http://www.feedvalidator.org):- RSS feeds valuator


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing this ranking tool. In SEO these tools are really useful as they can reduce your work and help increase your efficiency.

    SEO Company India

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shweta, this was WONDERFUL. HUGE thanks for the tips. You made this a wonderful, but simple, blog. This is a great resource.

    Digital Agency Cebu
